1984 : Stepped on some strange planet called the earth. I experienced desperation. “This place is oversubscribed.”
1989 : Deliberately pushed my younger brother from some height. He happened to break one of his bones. I experienced elation. “As per my expectations, bones are indeed not strong.”
1990 : Threw a brick at my mate’s face. His evasive actions took some time and his skull spilled some deep red liquid. I experienced composure. “Even the skulls are not strong!”
1990 : Got drowned in deep water in an attempt to gauge its depth. I experienced apathy. “Water riding into the lungs doesn’t spare room for anything. Not even for hope.”
1992 : Got introduced to porn. I experienced excitement. “That was one heck of a discovery.”
1997 : Kissed a girl for the first time. I experienced disappointment. “Expectations don’t help the cause.”
1998 : Modified the contents of checked examination papers and conned the teachers into awarding me brownie marks. I experienced deception. “Conning a man is after all not such a difficult job.”
2002 : Fought for a disloyal man. I experienced betrayal. “The species that is the biggest threat to the existence of mankind is man himself.”
2002 : Arranged a bitter quarrel between two lovebirds. I experienced bloody-mindedness. “A combination of wicked intention and stealth action can produce vicious results.”
2002 : Spent three consecutive days without food under arguably unavoidable circumstances. I experienced satisfaction. “Can that be called developing appetite for hunger?”
2003 : Entered IIT. I experienced despondence. “Journey is a few million times more fun than destination.”
2005 : Spent a couple of months in countryside England. I experienced independence. “An independent mind is the reservoir of unprecedented success.”
2006 : Spent a couple of months in a cauldron-like environment in a steel plant. I experienced strength. “Watching liquid iron flow makes one realize the power of man.”
2006 : Read The Fountainhead. I experienced peace. “A man is only as productive as he allows himself to be.”
2007 : Attained tranquility. I experienced salvation. “Peace is what we seek; effort is what we lack.”