Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I, Me, Myself.

Ask a young actor where he sees himself after five years or so and he would inevitably say that he wants to be as successful as Amitabh Bachchan; ask a budding singer what she aims at and she would say that she wishes to be the next Lata Mangeshkar; ask a cricketer who is about to play his debut game what he wants to achieve and he would say that he aspires to be as successful as Sachin Tendulkar; and ask a young industrialist what he wants to accomplish and he would say that he desires to be as rich as Bill Gates. That’s the trend we human beings follow. We always want to be like our idols. We see the most successful people around and we don’t dare to go beyond them; we can’t see ourselves achieving more than what they did. We always dream to be the best in the business but when asked how successful we want to be, we always come up with a name. Isn’t that amazing?

We always live in shadow of our paragons who are more successful than others but we often forget that we have identities of our own and we have to develop worlds of our own, where there is just one king, just one emperor. Do I need to name the emperor?

In this materialistic world, every idol is fancied as the limit of perfection. But are they really perfect? Can’t we achieve more than what they did? OR why do we endure the success of others, why can’t we determine our own success? Will that not be more satisfying? These are few questions we need to ask ourselves.

We need to show our dreams the way that leads to the factory of materialization, and let future decide how things shape up. We, at times, envy the success of our fellows when fate plays a deciding role in it and we wonder why luck flirts with us so often, despite we being more oriented and having more potential. But then, life is a potpourri of games—you win few, you lose few. It’s difficult to swallow losses but one has to live with them, no matter how close to perfection he is.

No matter how stupid I am, no matter how many complaints I have to register in God’s book, no matter how many painful moments I have endured, no matter how distressed I am, no matter how many failures I have gathered till now, I would love to visit this world every single time with the same personality traits that I have been awarded in this particular life, for I love the way I struggle to reach the farthest milestone with my limited resources and abilities. Had I been awarded with superior qualities, I would no more have remained a ‘normal’ human being and with substandard capabilities, I would not have even bothered to chase my dreams. May be, I wouldn’t have even dreamt. I just want to be myself and I don’t want others to follow me either as everyone has his own ‘unique’ way of adaptation, his own ways of thinking, his own track to sprint on.

Every time a person generates a new 'sensible' idea, he goes on to reach heights never attained before. Be it Einstein or Microsoft owner Bill Gates or Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brinn, each one of them had ideas of their own; very unique and something that world had never thought of before. And these revolutionary ideas swept everyone off his feet. And that's what made them distinct in the crowd of seven billion people. They dared to think beyond the norms and proved their uniqueness. It is quite easy to earn Rs. thirty thousand per month with no innovation involved but at the end of the day, it won’t satisfy you if you feel that you have the potential and vigor to 'contribute' in a much better way.

It is all about discovering the strengths and weaknesses that we possess and then decide what we aspire to reach. In the end, my race is with myself only and the surroundings are mere racecourses. Can I beat myself? Can I stretch my limits? In the evening of life, if I know that I achieved what I could have, I would justify my potential and would be ready to apprize my God of my performance and my singularity with a well-deserved ardent eye contact.


Vidushi said...

Enjoyed reading this.. identified with the idea of setting urself yesterday as the standard to compete against today..
n being thankful for being imperfect today so tommorrow i can fight 2 become more..