Monday, January 09, 2006

He loves me

GOD, the only reality, the ultimate source of vitality, is the power that drives the universe.

I know He consoles me when I cry behind closed doors, I know He listens to me when I murmur with closed eyes, I know He ushers me when I walk the lonely paths, I know He nourishes me when I am hungry, I know He opens the evacuation door when I am surrounded by troubles, I know He cries when I lie, I know He kisses my forehead when I need love, I know He holds my hand when I move through darkness, I know He medicines me when I am ill, I know He plays with me when I need a partner, I know He opens his arms when I need a hug, I know He sings my favorite song when I wish to break the silence, I know He swings the handfan when I try to sleep, I know He trusts me when nobody shows confidence in me, I know He teaches me when I show respect for knowledge, I know He asks my mother to talk to me when I miss her, I know He infuses confidence in me when I am down, I know He revels when I am happy, I know He loves me, I know He loves me...