Thursday, October 19, 2006

Matrimonial Problem

As I write this post, I feel more or less determined to hold moderators and owners of certain yahoo groups by their collars, drag them to the court and ask My Lord to allow me to hang all of them for their grievous crime. And since My Lord would inevitably say that he might take a minimum of 10 years to come up with any sort of decision (as Indian courts usually do), I feel like teaching those moderators a lesson in my own surreal ways. They have catered me several sleepless nights by sending enough scary invitations for joining their absurd yahoo groups. If that wasn't enough, I often find myself waking up suddenly in the night as I pull myself out of a dreadful nightmare(if at alI I manage to sleep), thanks to the role these moderators have played during last six months or so. Now I know what people called mental molestation.

Though I consider myself a strong enough character (mentally and certainly not physically as everyone points out) to handle issues on my own, these frequent invitations to join matrimonial groups have certainly taken a toll on me. There is no greater elation when I open my yahoo messenger and it says 'you have got 1 new mail'. The frequency at which I check my mail doesn't allow yahoo messenger to state that I have got more than one mail. And there isn't any more deplorable moment when I open my yahoo mail only to find a matrimonial group invitation. It's like end of the world for me. The names of these matrimonial groups are as irritating as their contents--agarwal2agarwalmarriage group, Letsmarry, MarryBigBeautifulWomen etc etc. I don't know why they think that I am an Agarwal! And if the lady is so beautiful, why would she marry me? I possess neither Bill Gates' money nor Tom Cruise's looks. Apart from all that, though I am legally eligible to marry as I have already achieved that coveted landmark of 21 years of age, I am currently not in a mood of marrying, you know. (Blushing)Lolz!! I have just started my life and I have no plans to ruin it so soon. I still have some sense left in some corner of my brain.

When I told some of my mates about this farcical and equally derisory problem that I am facing these days, they all laughed at me saying that I must have given my email id to one (or more) of these groups . But I am more certain than an Australian victory over Kenya as I say that an idea as weird as pasting my own id in any matrimonial site can't even come close to my periphery of thoughts. Though I must confess that I have certainly given some fake ids for getting some pirated softwares from internet. "Pirate, he is a bloody pirate," I can listen some software engineer screaming somewhere in Bangalore. None of my concern though. I have much graver issues like matrimony-case to tackle these days! I even tried to block these addressed and called them spam but these addresses somehow manage to breach spam protectors and chafe poor users like me. If any of the moderators of those groups is reading this post, I urge him/her to look for better candidates to send your unsolicited mails. I am genuinely not interested!! For those who don't know, this is my favorite one liner! I had once used it when a girl had proposed me. O yes, you read it correctly---A girl proposing a boy! Now you know that it doesn't happen only in movies. Real life, as they say, is much more exciting than reel life. Anyway, do I need to tell you what the consequence was when I told her that I was genuinely not interested? I leave it for you to guess!!


Nishant said...

You were Genuinely not interested. But i was as you know me very well but you like a good friend never allowed me to have a look on her , well thanks for all you good dids to me
Take care'

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Abhieshek said...

Now, that's the height of irony...

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Matrimonial said...

The various websites providing a lot of information on almost every aspect of life. is a website which provides access to various mangliks all over the world. The Mangliks Matrimonial has been designed with the main purpose of providing matrimonial service for mangliks all over the world. This website provides an easy access to mangliks who live in different parts of the world.