Bloggers' Addiction
There is something peculiar about bloggers that I have failed to understand since the day I was introduced to blogging. Very similar to the case with any other form of addiction, the addiction of 'blogging regularly' brings a certain amount of insanity with itself. When a blogger runs out of topics to write upon, s/he tends to look all over the place for an issue or two. The best source of topics that strikes such a one-post-a-day blogger is newspapers and news channels. No matter how ignorant a blogger is about a particular hot topic, s/he always tends to post something related to it on his/her blog. The one case that was in the cauldron few weeks ago was that of Pluto being stripped off its coveted status of being called a planet. Now how the hell does it matter to a common person whether Pluto is a planet or not? But bloggers have needs of their own. They tend to pour in their views and opinions over anything and everything. Very similar to what I am doing right now--pouring my views over insane bloggers (with I myself being one of them). Anyway, coming back to the topic, I came across scores of blogs which talked about what exactly being a planet means, which parameters essential for a piece of rock to be called a planet are and blah blah. They went on writing pages over the history of Pluto and how dramatic the discovery of Pluto was. Bloggers showed their immense love for this ex-planet and urged the scientific community all over the world not to snatch away the planetic title from Pluto. Poor Pluto must be feeling deeply indebted to all its protagonists out there on the earth. She ought to visit the earth just to know how her popularity has peaked up during last few weeks.
Second such case was that of a person called Steve Irwin who eventually died doing what served as his means of living. Blogging community all over the world paid tribute to him and his heroics with 20-feel-long crocodiles. Bloggers showed such deep concern over the demise of this man that it actually made me wonder if Steve Irwin was one of the terrorists US government is looking for. When I googled to know who he was, he turned out to be a person who fought with crocodiles. People cried lakes on their blogs writing how eagerly they waited every week to watch his show, how popular he was among their friends and how interested they were in their combat with crocodiles. I tried to visualize the excitement on people's face as they watched that cowboy trying his best to defeat a gigantic crocodile!! I failed. Their fake concern over the death of his crocodile hunter was nothing but an honest attempt to satisfy their hunger to update their blogs. As far as I am concerned, all those bloggers cried crocodile tears!! Didn't they?
By the way, I did manage to write a post without having anything particular or serious to talk about. Kudos to me.
It's like asking a Cuban boy who Mohammad kaif is...
Steve Irwin, as I came to know from his obituary, was just a crocodile hunter....what's the big deal???
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