Sunday, July 05, 2009

The Other Versions

We all are products of the choices that we have made till now in our respective lives. How nice it would have been to discover what we would have turned into in case we had made different choices at different stages of our lives. I for one wish so not because I am unhappy with my status quo but out of sheer curiosity. Would they have talked like me? Would they have thought like me? Would they have been happier than me? Would they have even managed to survive? Questions galore! The curiosity, however, is not about how different my other versions would be from me but how similar we would have been (or are??). Strangely, it is the extent of similarity and not dissimilarity in this vast world that often manages to catch our attention.


Piyush said...

I think its not only our choices that made us what we are today,but also other's.In this case most of our choices had a very minimal effect on our lives.And our choices have contributed in a very miniscule way in changing other lives.Similar to butterfly effect,I mean.

Abhieshek said...

@ Piyush
"In this case most of our choices had a very minimal effect on our lives."...Excuse me!!! I disagree...You are severly underestimating the power of an individual...
yes, all that butterfly effect issue makes a difference but I am (and perhaps, can be) concerned about my choices only. There is not much point in wishing to interfere with what others choose to do and then finding out the results. Consider the case of Bill Gates handing over all his fortune to you for no reason and you being happy about it...Irrelevant, isn't it? All I wish to see is the effect that my different choices could have made...

Piyush said...
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Piyush said...

Yea ok...our choices dominate.and thinking about other's choices is not so interesting,too.greed.
I was just arguing the point that we are not a product of our own choices.
In effect,most of our choices are a consequence of other's choices.
and yeah I wish Bill gates ever had that choice.

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