Saturday, December 10, 2005

A common ME

So here I am talking about a common ME. Though I have never given it a deep thought, I feel I can certainly give it a try. First of all, few quote describing ME:-

  • It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, what matters is whether I win or lose.
  • Sacrificing cheesy ideas for greater achievements is not a bad exchange offer. The higher you think, the more you get.
  • Crushing the pigmies doesn’t make you a winner. Challenge the strongest giants in the business to know how good you are.
  • Having contacts all around is the most sarcastic (but not the easiest) way of showing your authority and power.
  • If you can't dream, don't sleep. Instead, remain awake and enjoy a pint of beer in the nearby bar.

I believe you have had enough of philosophy tutorials. If you couldn't get those lines, better leave reading the following lines. On the other hand, if you find ME interesting enough, you may go ahead and enjoy ME. There are quite a few things to share with you. (Most) people think I am too arrogant and egoistic. I don’t disagree. Ask those who know me a bit better. They know I can be a great friend if they can handle the restless soul inside me. I have never been a great "chooser" of friends. Result-> wounds and pain. (Isn't that obvious?). So don't feel absurd if I say that you are just an acquaintance to me. The idea of learning-from-mistakes has always flirted with me and more often than not, it has led to the same result -> wounds. But I think I have grown enough to be rational. Yes, it is the past that builds the future but one can't keep licking his wounds and regret his deeds. It is better to move forward and look for new people and new opportunities. So the whole idea is to learn the lessons and move ahead.(mind you, I have learnt this stalwart art just a few days ago) People say that it is a careless attitude (do you think the same way???) but who cares!!! At least, I don't. If you keep thinking about the rubbish stuff going through others' minds, it is inevitable that you would lose your mental balance one day. Talking about the rubbish stuff in others' minds, the best (or worst?) example would be the Profs (especially in IITD). They say what they know without caring about their practical use. And the worst part of their job is that they (try to) inject those fucking shits in our minds. As far as I am concerned, there is a sea of far more important lessons to learn outside the classroom. Experience is the best teacher one would ever come across.

Some (may be most) people look for quick success. Sadly, I am one of those poor chaps. Despite knowing that there is no shortcut to success, I have always fallen prey to it. And after every single failure while attempting those shortcuts, I have blamed the ill fate and bad luck for the failures. And if I tasted success while following those shortcuts (though there have been very few successful moments), I have devoted those to my long sightedness and intelligence. Surprisingly, everybody around me has always believed in what I said and did. Yes, it is true that the more sins you confess, the more books you sell. But the honest confession is that whatever positive has happened to me has been sheer good luck and all those failures have been the result of my inability to cope up the pressure and faltering when it mattered most. I am learning to take responsibility of my deeds.

Nevertheless, there are people who think I am quite friendly and humorous. Here is a person who has helped people out of their darkest days (and nights as well!!) and will continue to do so for eons. (See, I have a positive side as well!!!) But, it is not in ME's nature to be forgiving. So, people who have tried to act smart against me have been hit on their faces. (Do you want to know the names???). But I know what I do is correct and I have no regrets. I have few aims in my life and I believe I can achieve them (without good luck playing any part).In between, I enjoy my life to the fullest and I expect the same from you. It is already half past four in the night (I think it is morning now) and the strangle hold of sleep is tightening up. So good bye and have a great time ahead. Cheers!!!


Unknown said...

Good post, PD ... a copy from Orkut profile of urs... but nevertheless, an interesting read.....

Nishant said...

well , pd is the guy with style and persuing a gal of style. as far as i know u dear it is awesome to be with you in the year of greatexpectations aspirations and desires.It is important to work hard and most important to work smart and this lession is being tought by me from you dear,nothing to say much in ur honour dear only and wish to see you flying high .....
carry on

Anonymous said...

Style is immmortal may it be great Mr bacchan or it is our cute little pd or a bigger one ..............but being humlble is the style of all the styles and makes u great , carrying expectation of the whole nation on a shoulder is not so important as much important is being calm and composed with that greatexpectations with a refreshing flavour of humbleness . Pd you must be getting idea about the soul i am reffering,and i ve always seen his reflections in you,not as a sportsman but as a human being , and i ve a firm belief u ll never change.
Comming to the point, now a days i am not paying interest in watching cricket but yesterday i got an oppurtunity to watch it and i ve seen the pathan's magic of 93 which was awesome. Being a bowler and comming to bat in 3rd down is a challenge in itself and everyone knows bout the murli's magic but taking a champ otherway around and giving the bat a full throattle was nice to watch .

Nishant said...

Style is immortal, may it be great Mr Bachchan or our cute little Pd , a guy with a lots of style again behind a gal with unimaginable styles .well pd carry on we r with you and will make it happen with Estyle.........
Being talented ,popular,expert or genious is really good but it can never be great without an element of humbleness . Carrying on great national expectations on a young soulder with such a calmness and restlessness makes a soul a real hero, and in the world of heroes you are the one showing the reflections of greatness .
Enough of the buttering dear but it comes out of my aspirations you r really a stylist .
Pthan as the name suggest a dude with big figures ,great afgani fighting attitude is worth of it as he slipped his 93 in the 3rd slot making the game in indian camp is really good enough to praise and yesterday it was first time i was watching this cool guy playing his magics over murli's magic with such calmness. I hardly watch cricket matches now a days but yesterday's inning was a cought by me by luck . Anyways a lots of well wishes for the DUDE with aspirations.

Anonymous said...

Congrats---- now that you have joined the gang ,get ready for some crapy stuff pouring in every day...anyways seems you are kind of a person who is mmmmm...not very talkative..but likes to keep on writing and pinning down all the stuff he has accumulated in.Good work but dont make this place a piece of literature or a series of chronicles..Thats a serious advice.I have seen many blogs dying before their maturity though they have some interesting stuff but the contect is generally egoist and full of narcissism.Well , I hope I'll find it cool and funny every time I visit here.I didn't mention my name did I?I am Thomas Graf from Germany and I just somehow happened to pop up here and since its a nice new blog I thought to drop in few words.OOps quite few words but a spick and span of serious advice.Anyways keep on writing and may be I would be able to pour in some useful advices or better say comments.

Abhieshek said...

Thanks for ur advice Thomas. I will certainly keep ur words in mind while writing blogs...and for anonymous # 2, thanks to you as well for ur very kind words...but i would have really appreciated had u dropped ur name there...plz let me know the name of my cynic...i believe u can do that tiny bit of work for me...:)